
Serious Free Content!

Interviews, articles, reviews and other presences are basically free content. These are listed oldest first and the newer stuff is at the bottom. I hope you find lots to chew on here and that these pieces help you because that’s why I do them. This is also a great way to find new favorite shows if you’re into learning through listening. I’ve really enjoyed working with most of the people who are making the great content you’ll find here. If you have a radio show, podcast, blog, whatever that you’d like to work with me on, please shoot an email over to so we can see what’s possible between us.

My Walkabout Interview on The Farkas Files
Interested in how I got into Shamanic work and holism in general? So was he. If you missed the broadcast, you can still hear the recording here:

Embody Your Power reviewed on “Forward! Life Awaits.”
Here’s an excerpt from the review:

“I think the coolest part is that it is not only encouraging a conversation within the self, but the book feels like a conversation with the author. The author comes across as a non-judgmental friend. The language is very personable, and far from high-handed or preachy. The author speaks to the reader instead of at the reader. The author seems like a person who actually cares about the hurts and scars from the past, who wants to help the readers see themselves in all their own personal glory — even if she never actually reads the journals or hears the reader’s side of the conversations. The book highlights successes and positivity. Even when discussing difficult or negative topics, kind  and positive words are used. I always felt encouraged. And, despite 55 prompts (which kinda sounds like a lot), I never once felt like it was too difficult, long, boring, etc. I enjoyed all 55 of them.”
Read the whole thing here:

Sacred Travels Part One on The Farkas FilesPages-from-603562-Journey83.Spring2016
What’d I do in Peru that you can do too? We got through about half of what happened in the first three days of my 2015 trip in this broadcast. You’ll want to check it out if you’re planning to come to Peru with me.

Sacred Travels Part Two on The Farkas Files
This broadcast was more about what experiences I had in Peru that changed me. We talked about four of my experiences. Two happened in one temple and showed how simply a person can be changed physically and emotionally in some places in Peru. The third demonstrated the power of the land and getting quiet with it. The last experience is a summary of the Wachuma ceremony which everyone wants to hear about.

We also talk about deeper and harder issues such as the United States government auctioning off land in the United States which has similar power to the places I visited in Peru, the stages of grief in tragedy in the States and the stages of grief in a person’s own healing, and some of the experiences people don’t get to have in our culture and how that impacts the whole culture in a negative way.

I would say this is one of my more favorite broadcasts David and I have done together. You’ll want to catch this one, not only if you’re going to Peru with me, but also if you want to get to understand how spiritual and metaphysical healing works in some cases or you want to get to know me better.

Here’s the link:

“To Your Best Health!” Summit Sponsored by Wholeful Living
“Healing Yourself With Energy Work” interview from November 4, 2015: I was one of 18 featured professionals leading the health, wellness and medical fields that spoke as part of an online summit. We talked about Reiki more in depth, the value of journaling, and the need for rites and ritual in our lives and how to do that in a positive, healing way. Wanna listen? Click the link:

Embody Your Power features by Elizabeth Bourgeret
Embody Your Power has been featured on Elizabeth Bourgeret’s book club for authors, readers and books in one of her December 2015 posts:

Interview as the Author of The Talking Stick Diaries on The Considered Bookshelf
I enjoyed this interview on The Considered Bookshelf about my book series, The Talking Stick Diaries, my writing process, and life as an author. There are some tips for new writers trying to write their first book, too! Check it out here:

Pittsburgh Point in Bodhi Tree Magazine
The winter 2015-2016 issue has a local interest article I wrote on the energy of the point in it. I keep articles in The Bodhi Tree to one page, so it’s not totally inclusive of all issues around the energy of the point, but it’s a nice overview. This issue is available as a PDF, and you can print it from your computer if you’d like a print copy. Here’s the link:

Interview on The Shift Summit About Being Third Gender
This was, in my opinion, the worst interview I’ve ever done due to my complete lack of clarity and poor performance (this is in absolutely no way anyone’s mis-step but mine). I was a bit emotional that day for unrelated reasons, quite tired, and we had technology challenges. But I really think this information is important, so here’s the interview:

Pages-from-603562-Journey83.Spring2016Article on “The Shattered Mind”

In this article, I write about what it was like to realize I was contending with a dissociative disorder and how I put myself back together when mainstream psychology wouldn’t help me. If you’ve dealt with lost time, meeting people who seemed to know you but by a different name, different people writing in your journal, or anything like that, this might be a big deal read for ya:

Panel Interview on Self Care
Christiana Smith, HC, hosted a panel interview of three practitioners on how to do self-care. It’s a little long (a little over an hour and a half) but you get three practitioners sharing everything from emotional self-care to best tips for holism in the office. It’s good stuff:

Article on Herbs for Stress
The Spring 2016 edition of Bodhi Tree contains a brief article I’ve written on herbs to help you handle stress:

The Shamanic View of HeavenjourneySUMMER16
The Summer 2016 edition of The Journey Mag featured my article on the shamanic view of heaven:

Book Review on In Our Spare Time
In Our Spare Time reviewed Embody Your Power. Check it out here:




“Fluidity and Rebirth” in The Journey Magazine
This article’s about what it says it’s about. 😉 It’s not my best article, but when the editor of a magazine emails you “I need content in the next three hours,” you do your best. lol! I always love working with these guys. It’s a ton of fun. 🙂 Put page number 16 in the box in the upper left of this page to read the article:

dr-diane-pomeranceInterview on “Who Are You Really?” With Dr. Diane Pomerance
Diane was such a sweet lady. We talked for ages before, after, and between cuts on this interview:

Surviving the Lifting of the Veil in The Journey Magazine
One of the things I love about working with the good people at The Journey Magazine is that they give me these weird super open ended topics and tell me to run with it. “Lifting the Veil” could have meant anything! In writing this, I had to think “what is the common factor between all the ideas around the lifting of the veil’? I drew on many different experiences to come to my conclusions, then wrote a survival article for those times when you can’t return to how your life was before. Check it out here:






